Monday, 6 December 2010

post 5: jump cuts, over-the-shoulder shots, cutaways and point of view shots.

A jump cut is a cut in film editing in which two sequential shots of the same subject are taken from camera positions that vary only slightly. This type of edit causes the subject of the shots to appear to "jump" position in a discontinuous way. ...

a shot followed by another shot (close up or zoom out) focusing on the same character/prop.

In film or video, an over the shoulder shot (also over shoulder, OS, OTS, or third-person shot) is a shot of someone or something taken over the shoulder of another person. The back of the shoulder and head of this person is used to frame the image of whatever (or whomever) the camera is pointing toward. This type of shot is very common when two characters are having a discussion and will usually follow an establishing shot which helps the audience place the characters in their setting. It is an example of a camera angle.

a shot taken over the shoulder of an actor/actress showing what they can see.

In film, a cutaway is the interruption of a continuously filmed action by inserting a view of something else. It is usually, although not always, followed by a cutback to the first shot.

a shot is obscured by an object or person, the shot will then change or continue.

A point of view shot (also known as POV shot or a subjective camera) is a short film scene that shows what a character (the subject) is looking at (represented through the camera). ...

a shot showing what the subject sees.

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