Tuesday, 3 May 2011

Main post 12.3

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

The main role of the production company would primarily be to produce the film, contribruting to the majority of funding. This funding would be used for convergance and advertising, if the film was to be a success this would greatly enhance the repretation of our own film company.

We would require a highly recognisable and established distribution company such as Paramount Pictures to distribute our film because they could supply the film with more funding than that of a less reputable company, and therefore there is a much higher chance of our film going global, also the chance of our film going big in the USA is increased as the Paramount head courters is based in Hollywood, California, United States.

A major benefit of working with Paramount pictures would be they have already promoted/produced highly successful school based comedies such as Drillbit Taylor and School of Rock, both highly reputable films. Therefore they would have a better understanding than most on how to produce our film.

Although this would not be a realistic target as a production company, as I believe they would not justify the funding required to promote our film as there is more than likely to be a film of a similar description being produced by well known cast and crew.

Personally I feel our best option would be to remain local initially, use a low budget British film production company as they are more likely to take on the film.

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