Tuesday, 3 May 2011

Main post 12.6

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

I have used all of this equipment while constructing our media product. Specifically, I have learnt various new skills when using the editing programme; Adobe Premier Pro CS3, including how to reverse a clip, this was used to display the name of our film, how to import MP3 files such as school bell sound and our backing track and how to mix the sounds. We used my Canon camera for a lot of the planning pre-production process, taking pictures of  locations that we would potentially use for filming in. If it wasn't for these new technologies, we would have had to do all of the editing manually like they did several years ago, involving slicing the film strips and putting them together by hand. We also used software such as blogger, this allowed us to post all our work via internet. Several programmes on the internet had to be used, such as youtube (to export our piece and feedback clips), arts of the title sequence (helped us gain a better understanding of the title sequence), the internet also now benefits films of all different budgets especially low budget films as it allows them to promote their film cheaply.

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