Tuesday, 3 May 2011

Main post 12.4

Who would be the audience for your media product?

According to numerous research methods, such as our pre-production questionnaires, graphs, feedback from individuals that have seen the opening sequence, statistics regarding 2010 Box Office data, I have come to the conclusion that our film target audience should be that of a younger audience, primarily aged between 8 and 17 of both genders. This is due to teen and school based comedies being highly watched and enjoyed at the same time by this age range, I believe this to be because they understand and almost relate to what the students are going through be it funny, sad etc.

For example, a member of our target audience could be a male teenager, aged 13 who reguarly attends school. He has a wealth of friends with similar interests such as sport, video games and going to the cinema. Most of which  would go and view the film and hopefully enjoy it, would be able to identify and relate with the plot and setting of our film, and would hopefully find the film quite amusing as it is a comedy. 

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